Local Pokfulam District News
Pokfulam has a LOCAL SOUTHERN DISTRICT COUNCILLOR - Mr. Paul Zimmerman who, with Denis Leung keeps us informed of local happenings/concerns. Please see below Pokfulam district news from the most recent circulars.
Wah Fu Redevelopment update
The Housing Authority has revised their plans and reduced the development area by 30% to 13 hectares whilst maintaining the number of units at 8,900 by increasing the height. The target completion date is 2025-2027. They will be used to house residents of the old estate prior to redevelopment. The junction of Victoria Road and Pokfulam Road will be upgraded to reduce the traffic impact of the new development for this junction. The Southern District Council has urged the government to continue to consult the community and to speed up planning for South Island Line (West). The consultation deadline is 15th November 2017. For more information and to view a photo montage of what the new development will look like please click here. The District Planning Paper can be found here.
Pokfulam has a LOCAL SOUTHERN DISTRICT COUNCILLOR - Mr. Paul Zimmerman who, with Denis Leung keeps us informed of local happenings/concerns. Please see below Pokfulam district news from the most recent circulars.
Wah Fu Redevelopment update
The Housing Authority has revised their plans and reduced the development area by 30% to 13 hectares whilst maintaining the number of units at 8,900 by increasing the height. The target completion date is 2025-2027. They will be used to house residents of the old estate prior to redevelopment. The junction of Victoria Road and Pokfulam Road will be upgraded to reduce the traffic impact of the new development for this junction. The Southern District Council has urged the government to continue to consult the community and to speed up planning for South Island Line (West). The consultation deadline is 15th November 2017. For more information and to view a photo montage of what the new development will look like please click here. The District Planning Paper can be found here.
Smokey Vessels
Scenic Villas residents are fortunate to enjoy some spectacular views over the Lamma Channel and we are often the first to spot a smokey vessel. By reporting these polluting ships to the Marine Department we can all do our part in improving Hong Kong's air quality and ensuring that perpetrators are prosecuted. If you spot a smokey ship polluting our air please take photos and videos as evidence for the authorities. For details on how to report smokey vessels, please click here. The current legislation says it is an offence for any vessel to emit dark smoke which is as dark as, or darker than, Shade 2 on the Ringelmann Chart for 3 minutes or more continuously at any one time. *Please ensure that any film footage is over 3 minutes long*. |
Wild Boars
FEHD recently issued a fixed penalty this week to a resident leaving food for wild boars which affects the hygiene of the area at Sassoon Road. Feeding of feral animals increases their fertility and draws in more animals. This is counter-productive as the increase results in complaints. Please note that AFCD is assessing slopes in Pokfulam to test their "Capture, Contraceptive and Rehome/Release Programme". It is a pilot scheme to control the popular of wild boars. To see the extent of the problem please click here to watch a YouTube video.
Sassoon Road Refuse Collection Points (RCP)
The hygiene condition of this RCP and adjacent area is a problem with fly-tipping and wild boars scavenging waste. There are discussions about a change of design but in the meantime, please ensure you, and your helpers, deposit waste in the bins and not to leave any in the street.
Minibus 59, 58, 58A, 69, 69, 69X
Due to low patronage, the Transport Department proposed to cancel minibus 59 and use the 6 vehicles for the 58 and 58A services. The frequency of 58A will therefore be improved from 30 minutes to 20 minutes, and 58 will operate at 3-4 minutes during peak hours. Further, to meet demand at Sandy Bay, there will be 2 departures from MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre to Kennedy Town at 3:45pm and 4:15pm during weekdays. Please note that passengers for Shum Wan can take 58 or 58A to Aberdeen and interchange there to 59A at a discount.
As most Pokfulam residents and Cyberport workers prefer to use the Kennedy Town MTR station rather than Wong Chuk Hang, the patronage of hte 69A has been low. The Transport Department proposes to revert to the original schedule and operate 69A from 10am-5pm at 10 to 20 minutes headways terminating in Aberdeen. This will release 2 vehicles for the 69 and 69X service during peak hours. Passengers going to Wong Chuk Hang can change to minibus 4M at Aberdeen Town Centre at a discount.
Cyberport Arcade Survey Results
Over 600 responses were received. You may click here for the results of the survey which have been passed to Knight Frank, the consultant of Cyberport, for their analysis.
Speeding on Pokfulam Road
Following complaints over road races and speeding related traffic accidents we have asked for speed cameras. With a borrowed speed gun I measured speeds along Pok Fu Lam Road, Victoria Road and Cyberport Road. Despite the Transport Department's claim that Pok Fu Lam Road does not meet their criteria I observed excessive speeds when lights are green, especially vans and goods vehicles. We will submit a report and ask for action. Click here to view our video report.
Slopes Littered with Waste
We have explored old trails connecting Pok Fu Lam Road and Victoria Road which have been cut off by road works and developments. Doing so also gave us a chance to document hidden waste dumps. One next to Ebenezer School included bottles with expiry dates as far back as 1992. We have reported slopes near Seascape, Lower Baguio, Upper Baguio, Waterfall Bay and Victoria Gardens for cleaning up. If you find slopes heavily littered, please send a picture with location information for follow up to [email protected]
Visit here for recent news.
FEHD recently issued a fixed penalty this week to a resident leaving food for wild boars which affects the hygiene of the area at Sassoon Road. Feeding of feral animals increases their fertility and draws in more animals. This is counter-productive as the increase results in complaints. Please note that AFCD is assessing slopes in Pokfulam to test their "Capture, Contraceptive and Rehome/Release Programme". It is a pilot scheme to control the popular of wild boars. To see the extent of the problem please click here to watch a YouTube video.
Sassoon Road Refuse Collection Points (RCP)
The hygiene condition of this RCP and adjacent area is a problem with fly-tipping and wild boars scavenging waste. There are discussions about a change of design but in the meantime, please ensure you, and your helpers, deposit waste in the bins and not to leave any in the street.
Minibus 59, 58, 58A, 69, 69, 69X
Due to low patronage, the Transport Department proposed to cancel minibus 59 and use the 6 vehicles for the 58 and 58A services. The frequency of 58A will therefore be improved from 30 minutes to 20 minutes, and 58 will operate at 3-4 minutes during peak hours. Further, to meet demand at Sandy Bay, there will be 2 departures from MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre to Kennedy Town at 3:45pm and 4:15pm during weekdays. Please note that passengers for Shum Wan can take 58 or 58A to Aberdeen and interchange there to 59A at a discount.
As most Pokfulam residents and Cyberport workers prefer to use the Kennedy Town MTR station rather than Wong Chuk Hang, the patronage of hte 69A has been low. The Transport Department proposes to revert to the original schedule and operate 69A from 10am-5pm at 10 to 20 minutes headways terminating in Aberdeen. This will release 2 vehicles for the 69 and 69X service during peak hours. Passengers going to Wong Chuk Hang can change to minibus 4M at Aberdeen Town Centre at a discount.
Cyberport Arcade Survey Results
Over 600 responses were received. You may click here for the results of the survey which have been passed to Knight Frank, the consultant of Cyberport, for their analysis.
Speeding on Pokfulam Road
Following complaints over road races and speeding related traffic accidents we have asked for speed cameras. With a borrowed speed gun I measured speeds along Pok Fu Lam Road, Victoria Road and Cyberport Road. Despite the Transport Department's claim that Pok Fu Lam Road does not meet their criteria I observed excessive speeds when lights are green, especially vans and goods vehicles. We will submit a report and ask for action. Click here to view our video report.
Slopes Littered with Waste
We have explored old trails connecting Pok Fu Lam Road and Victoria Road which have been cut off by road works and developments. Doing so also gave us a chance to document hidden waste dumps. One next to Ebenezer School included bottles with expiry dates as far back as 1992. We have reported slopes near Seascape, Lower Baguio, Upper Baguio, Waterfall Bay and Victoria Gardens for cleaning up. If you find slopes heavily littered, please send a picture with location information for follow up to [email protected]
Visit here for recent news.